About IRSA

The objectives of the Association are to: foster the development of rural sociology; further the application of sociological inquiry to the improvement of the quality of rural life; and provide a mechanism whereby rural sociologists can generate dialogue and useful exchange.

9 thoughts on “About IRSA

  1. Claudia Neu

    acontecerá A Conferência da Terra no período entre 09 e 19 de novembro.2015, em Santiago – Chile!
    A Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Paisaje de la UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL, Chile e a UNIVERSIDADE
    FEDERAL DA PARAIBA, Brasil, convidam pesquisadores, profissionais, estudantes, autoridades e membros da sociedade civil para participarem da CONFERÊNCIA DA TERRA – FÓRUM INTERNACIONAL DO MEIO AMBIENTE, em Santiago do Chile, no período de 9 a 19 de novembro de 2015. A programação do evento inclui atividades na cidade de Santiago, entre 9 e 15 de novembro, e na localidade de Hanga Roa, Ilha de Páscoa, entre 16 e 19 de novembro. A Conferencia da Terra 2015 é pautada no tema central “Paisagens, Solos e Biodiversidade: desafios para um bom viver” e apresentada como um marco para o desenvolvimento harmônico do planeta.
    Aqui está o endereço: http://www.conferenciadaterra.com/
    Obrigada, Claudia Neu

    1. admin Post author

      PaulPeter. The IRSA constitution clarifies the rules for memberships. I would suggest to first seek out one of the regional and multi-national associations for membership. These are Australasian Agri-food Research Network (AFRN), Asian Rural Sociology Association (ARSA), Latin American Rural Sociology Association (ALASRU), European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS) and finally Rural Sociological Society (RSS).
      All the best, webmaster

  2. Reo Watnabe

    We hereby announce about “World Congress on Health And Medical Sociology” to be held on November,2018 at Osaka, Japan with the theme in “Innovations in Medical Sociology and Human Culture’’. In this regard we would like to collaborate with you and offer opportunity to attend our conference as Speakers & Delegates.
    For more details please visit our site. https://goo.gl/Pu8nkp
    Reo Watnabe
    Program Manager
    Email: medicalsociology@annualmeetings.net
    Contact: +6531080483 Ext-7071

  3. Sandy Tang

    Hello: I am an officer in Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.

    I want to create a faculty position announcement. May you inform how to create a new announcement ? Please take the time to reply, thank you.

    Sincerely, Sandy Tang

  4. Esther

    Dear Sir
    I hope this email finds you well!
    May I ask you, has it been decided, which country will host 2024 World Congress of Rural Sociology -IRSA-
    If not, are there any bidding so far showed interest?
    I am passionate about World Congress of Rural Sociology -IRSA- and I wish I will have the chance to attend it.


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