Steven A. Wolf and Alessandro Bonanno have edited a new book about the Neoliberal Regime in the Agri-Food Sector. For the last three decades, the Neoliberal regime, emphasising economic growth through deregulation, market integration, expansion of the private sector, and contraction of the welfare state has shaped production and consumption processes in agriculture and food. The book surveys and synthesizes a range of sociological frames designed to grapple with the concepts of regimes, systemic crisis and transitions. Contributions include historical analysis, comparative analysis and case studies of food and agriculture from around the globe. These highlight particular aspects of crisis and responses, including the potential for continued resilience, a neo-productivist return, as well as the emergence and scaling up of alternative models. Read more at the publishers website
The Neoliberal Regime in the Agri-Food Sector: Crisis,Resilience, and Restructuring
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