The latest special edition of the International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food (IJSAF) features a collection of papers on private food standards:
- Editorial Introduction by Ransom, Bain and Higgins: Private Agri-food Standards: Supply Chains and the Governance of Standards
- Hatanaka and Konefal: Legitimacy and Standard Development in Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives: A Case Study of the Leonardo Academy’s Sustainable Agriculture Standard Initiative
- Challies: The Limits of Voluntary Private Social Standards in Global Agri-food System Governance
- Trauger and Murphy: On the Moral Equivalence of Global Commodities: Placing the Production and Consumption of Organic Bananas
- Toschi Marciel and Bock: Modern Politics in Animal Welfare: the Changing Character of Governance of Animal Welfare and the Role of Private Standards
- Wiegel: A New Breed of Tomato Farmers? The Effect of Transnational Supermarket Standards on Domestic Cultures of Production and Trade
- Schewe: Negotiated Decision-Making: Understanding Farmer and Processor Certification
- Lockie, McNaughton, Thompson and Tennent: Private Food Standards as Responsive Regulation: The Role of National Legislation in the Development and Evolution of GLOBALG.A.P.