The Fifth CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 15-18 July 2015. The call for abstracts has been extended until 31 January 2015.
All information can be found on the conference website.
The call is available here.
Submission is online only before deadline January 31st.
Category Archives: Conferences
Preliminary announcement: XIV World Congress of Rural Sociology 2016
Toronto, Canada August 10-14, 2016
Sustainable and Just Rural Transitions: Connections and Complexities
Global environmental changes, shifting resource scarcities, deepening social inequalities, both innovation and crisis in urban centers, and new patterns of voluntary and involuntary migrations are among the conditions and dynamics now shaping the futures of rural places and people. Intensifying and intertwining forces of commodification, industrialization, neoliberalization and globalization over the last several decades have produced uneven and arguably illusory gains, given evidence of the increasingly precarious position of labor and livelihoods throughout the rural world and the widespread distribution of environmental harm and ecological degradation. Within these general patterns and trends, circumstances can vary greatly across rural contexts within and between continents. In the coming months, we will invite session submissions that invoke the overarching theme of the XIV World Congress of Rural Sociology: the connections and complexities shaping the prospects for sustainable and just rural transitions in the present era of crisis and change.
ESRS 2014 Summerschool
The European Society of Rural Sociology invites PhD students to the 2014 Summer School on the 7th to 12th of September. The 2014 ESRS PhD Summerschool will take place near Avignon, France. In order to apply PhD students have to submit an abstract by the 31st of May. Please see attached file for further details.
Call for papers, research seminar: “Towards an Internatioanl Network for Studying Food Habits”
The Chair of “Food Studies: Food, Culture and Health” at Taylor’s Toulouse University Centre invites submissions of papers and posters relevant to the theme “Towards an International Network for Studying Food Habits”. The Research Seminar will be helt at Taylor’s University, Subang Jaya, Malaysia at 20th and 21 May 2014. Abstract deadline March 25, 2014. For further details please read attached PDF.
Revised times for submission of abstracts and papers for the 5th International Conference of the Asian Rural Sociological Association
The Programme Committe for the 5th International Conference of the Asian Rural Sociological Assocation decided to expand the deadlines of abstracts and full papers. New deadline for Abstracts: February 15, 2014. New deadline for Full Papers: March 31, 2014. For further details please see the attached Revised ARSA 2nd Circular.
Call for papers: The 2nd Energy & Society Conference
Call for papers: The 2nd Energy & Society Conference (Midterm conference of ESA RN 12, in cooperation with ISA RC 24) will be held in Krakow 4th – 6th June 2014. The conference theme is Energy Transitions as Societal Transitions: Challenges for the Present and the Future. Abstract deadline 15th of December 2013. Continue reading
Forthcoming conference: The 5th International Conference of the Asian Rural Sociological Association (ARSA)
The 5th International Conference of the Asian Rural Sociological Association (ARSA) will be held in Vientiane in Laos, September 2014. Deadline for panel proposals is December 5 2013, and the deadline for abstract submission is January 15, 2014.
Download pdf for more information, or visit the ARSA website.
2013 Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society
The 2013 Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society was held at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel from 6-9 August. The theme was ‘An Injury to One is an Injury to All: Resistance and Resilience in an Age of Retrenchment’. This theme calls attention to the rural roots of solidarity and change in the context of global restructuring and political retrenchment. What can we learn from the struggles of rural peoples? How can we assist in the construction of local alternatives to the global that revitalize networks and enhance community and social well-being? Looking forward, how can the field of rural sociology continue to make contributions to public policy and civil society? Papers and sessions will deal with past and present rural social movements and with what we can learn from their successes and failures. Interest groups will be encouraged to develop sessions on the social bases of resistance and resiliency across place and space. The injuries endured by rural peoples across the globe—physical, social psychological, and socioeconomic—will be explored as a cross-cutting theme for scholarship and action.
XXV European Society for Rural Sociology Congress
The XXV Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology was held in Florence, Italy, from 29 July – 1 August 2013. For more information please visit the website:
Forthcoming conference: XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology
XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology will be held in Yokohama Japan in July 2014.
For details of the Research Committee on the Sociology of Agriculture and Food (RC 40) program please visit the congress website.
On-line abstract submission will be open in the period June 3, 2013- September 30, 2013.