Previous Announcement: 2015 RSS Annual Meeting Call for Papers

logo-rssThe theme of the 2015 conference will be “Knowing Rural: Situating the Lived Experience of Rurality in Definitions of Rural” and will take place in Madison, WI August 6-9, 2015.

Around the globe, official definitions of rural vary, and each definition has implications for how we understand and give meaning to rural spaces and places. Making sense of rural experiences requires understanding the diverse geographies, economies, and communities that make up rural places. As rural populations age and rural communities confront the emergent complexities of contemporary life, the lived experience of rurality is undergoing rapid transformation. What social, economic and political factors are shaping and re-shaping the lived experience of rural populations? How are rural populations responding and adapting to these changes? And, finally, how might these changes challenge the ways we understand and define rurality? We invite you explore these and a wide variety of other questions at our next annual meeting. We look forward to seeing you in Madison.

Extended Abstracts:
Extended abstracts should be approximately 350-500 words (about 1.5-3 pages) and briefly outline the purpose and theoretical framing of the paper, methods and data used, and preliminary (if available) or expected findings. We offer this description as a general guideline and understand some papers may include other information.
The Extended Abstracts deadline is February 6, 2015.
To submit, please visit the “Call for Papers” tab on the RSS website, or click here
Please contact Lauren McKinney or Jessica Crowe with any questions or ideas for special panels and events at the Annual Meeting.

2 thoughts on “Previous Announcement: 2015 RSS Annual Meeting Call for Papers

  1. E. Helen Berry, President, RSS

    Hello – Thank you for sharing the call for papers for the RSS meetings in August, 2015! We are excited to be featuring Mark Shucksmith as one of our keynote speakers.

    The title of our conference is “Knowing Rural: Situating the Lived Experience of Rurality in definitions of rural”

    The operative word here is “rurality” not “plurality”

    Thank you!

    E. Helen Berry, President, Rural Sociological Society


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